Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sevastopoli koulu #5 ja Krim, entä Karjala?

Eräs Uuden Suomen vähä-älyisistä putinisteista teki tässä merkittävän paljastuksen:

Vuonna 2013 USA:lla oli suunnitelmissa avata laivastotukikohta Krimin Sevastopoliin ja saada alkuvaiheessa käyttöönsä ainakin yksi koulu ja sairaala. Ilmeisesti tarkoitus oli ajaa Venäjä pois sen omasta tukikohdasta, johon sillä oli voimassa oleva vuokrasopimus vuoteen 2042 asti. Väitettä tukee oheinen US Navyn 5.9.2013 päivätty synopsis koulun kunnostustöistä Sevastopolissa.

Linkin perusteella asiasta todella oli tarjouskilpailu. Mitäpä aiheesta kertoo RT seuraavana vuonna?

 The US Navy has discontinued charity programs in Crimea, canceling the renovation of a public school and children’s hospital. Russian media and bloggers suspect the programs were meant to butter up locals for a possible US settlement there.
Until quite recently the US military has been allocating American taxpayers’ money to reconstruction of public offices on the Crimea Peninsula, while it was still autonomous within Ukraine. 
 Before these two projects, the US government already paid for renovation of school #22 in Sevastopol and school #14 in Simferopol. On both buildings, commemorative plaques stating that renovation was sponsored by the US government were mounted. A similar memorial tablet was supposed to be fixed on the school #5 in Sevastopol. 
The Voice of America website in Russian maintains that such renovation projects is a normal practice for the US military, which also has similar projects for Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria (several kindergartens renovated in 2011), Georgia, Latvia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia.

Vaikka USA:n laivasto ei varmaan toimikaan ihan pyyteettömästä hyvyydestä, olisikohan putinistin mielikuvitus sittenkin vähän lentänyt?

Saman jutun jatkossa RT:n apologia muuttuu suorastaan mielenkiintoiseksi:

A short look at history reveals that on December 4, 1994, Russia, the US and UK, with China and France adding separate statements, signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances to assure Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Ukraine gave up the nuclear weapons it inherited from the USSR in return for non-aligned state status and guarantees of territorial integrity.
A couple of weeks ahead of the referendum in Crimea, in which an overwhelming majority of the citizens of the former Ukrainian autonomy voted in favor of reunification with Russia, Putin warned that guarantees of territorial integrity of Ukraine cannot be extrapolated on the new coup-imposed Ukrainian authorities.
If Western partners of Russia continue to insist that the developments in Ukraine is not an anti-constitutional coup but a revolution, then “I cannot but agree with some of our experts, who believe that a new state is emerging on this territory,” Putin told journalists on March 4.
“And we haven’t signed any legally binding documents neither with, nor in respect of this [new] state,” he added.

 Jos sopimukset eivät ole enää välttämättä voimassa edes presidentin ja hallituksen vaihtuessa, saati sitten koko valtion muuttuessa uudeksi, onko Pariisin rauhansopimus enää voimassa edes rajojen suhteen?

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