Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Berija Karjalaa palauttamassa

Lavrenti Berija oli tunnetusti vähemmän mukava heppu, jonka ampumiseen löytyi varmasti yllin kyllin syitä. Siksi oli tuplastikin yllättävää löytää seuraava tieto syytteistä Beriaa vastaan:

Treason. It was alleged, without any proof, that "up to the moment of his arrest Beria maintained and developed his secret connections with foreign intelligence services". In particular, attempts to initiate peace talks with Hitler in 1941 through the ambassador of Bulgaria were classified as treason; it was not mentioned that Beria was acting on the orders of Stalin and Molotov. It was also alleged that Beria, who in 1942 helped organize the defense of the North Caucasus, tried to let the Germans occupy the Caucasus. There were also allegations that "planning to seize power, Beria tried to obtain the support of imperialist states at the price of violation of territorial integrity of the Soviet Union and transfer of parts of USSR's territory to capitalist states." These allegations were due to Beria's suggestion to his assistants that in order to improve foreign relations it was reasonable to transfer the Kaliningrad Oblast to Germany, part of Karelia to Finland, the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Romanian Popular Republic and the Kuril Islands to Japan.

Vaikea tietää, mitä tästä oikeastaan pitäisi ajatella. Berija oli taatusti setä, jolta ei olisi kannattanut ottaa karkkia. Kuitenkin jälleen yksi osoitus, että Karjalan palautus on kummitellut ja kummittelee edelleenkin, myös Venäjällä.

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