Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Entäpä sitten Petseri, Abrene ja Karjala, Putin?

 Putin on julkaissut tekstin, jossa todistelee Venäjän, Valko-Venäjän ja Ukrainan kuulumista yhteen. Tosin Ukrainan itsenäisyyskin on mahdollinen, mutta:

You want to establish a state of your own: you are welcome! But what are the terms? I will recall the assessment given by one of the most prominent political figures of new Russia, first mayor of Saint Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. As a legal expert who believed that every decision must be legitimate, in 1992, he shared the following opinion: the republics that were founders of the Union, having denounced the 1922 Union Treaty, must return to the boundaries they had had before joining the Soviet Union. All other territorial acquisitions are subject to discussion, negotiations, given that the ground has been revoked.

In other words, when you leave, take what you brought with you. This logic is hard to refute. I will just say that the Bolsheviks had embarked on reshaping boundaries even before the Soviet Union, manipulating with territories to their liking, in disregard of people's views. 


Tällä logiikalla Petserin, Jaanilinnan ja Abrenen pitäisi kuulua Virolle ja Latvialle, koska ne kuuluivat silloin kun Viro ja Latvia 'liittyivät'. Viipurin ja Käkisalmen  taas pitäisi kuulua Karjalan tasavallalle. Jollei sitten koko Moskovan rauhansopimus Bolshevikkien tekeleenä ole laiton ja pitäisi perua.

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