Thursday, October 27, 2016

Vääryystieteen desantti Bätmän ja Suur-Syyria

Kannattipa tutkia desantin matkakertomusta tarkemminkin:

Saattueemme autoa koristellaan Venäjän, Syyrian ja Syyrian sosiaalikansallisen puolueen lipuilla. Sosiaalikansallisen puolueen monituhantinen armeija taistelee Syyrian puolella USA:n rahoittamaa terrorismia vastaan.

Mikä onkaan tuo puolue, jonka symbolissa hyvällä mielikuvatuksella näkee vaikka mitä?

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) (Arabic: الحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي‎‎, transliterated: Al-Ḥizb Al-Sūrī Al-Qawmī Al-'Ijtimā'ī, often referred to in French as Parti Populaire Syrien or Parti Social Nationaliste Syrien), is a nationalist political party operating in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Palestine. It advocates the establishment of a Syrian nation state spanning the Fertile Crescent, including present day Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Cyprus, Sinai, southeastern Turkey (Alexandrette and Cilicia), based on geographical boundaries and the common history people within the boundaries share.[16]

  Saapas nähdä, onko kannatus 99 vai 100%, kun Kypros liittyy vapaaehtoisesti Suur-Syyriaan. Muistakaa, se on Social Nationalist Party eikä toisin päin.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sekoilua Venäjän propagandassa

Propagandistilla lipsahti ja piti suorittaa takaisinveto:

My bad.  I screwed up.  The recent article by Scott “Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language” should not have been published, at least not in its current form.
I removed it along with the (predictably) divisive comments section.
The responsibility is entirely mine and I apologize to everybody.
The Saker

Teksti onneksi löytyi Googlen välimuistista:

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language
I have been receiving multiple requests to write briefly and “in human language” on what I think about Ukraine. I have to warn you, the fact of the matter is if you don’t like the Cat’s language, then find someone more human and read them instead.
But just this once, I will write for you in a “human” language.
The contemporary Ukrainian army is a foreign legion, as was explicitly stated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Ukraine’s army has been and will continue to fulfill orders from Washington.

The “volunteer battalions “of “the Ukraine” are composed of former prisoners, released on Washington’s orders, in addition to former members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) who have been in Ukraine for a long time.
They have set up field synagogues run by the camping rabbis. They don’t exactly advertise this fact, but they do not hide it either. It’s being hidden only from Russian audiences who are being fed the Western-sponsored media driven ideas that Ukraine has a civil war.  Just like people all over the world are being told that there is a “civil war” in Syria; neither of these purported ideas are true.
Furthermore, the “volunteer battalions” of Ukraine are staffed with mercenaries of many nations and from regions such as Poland, the Baltics, Canada, Georgia, Chechnya, the Middle East, Sweden and other foreign, non-Ukrainians, including citizens of Russia. Just like in Syria, so-called secret service specialists from the United States and Britain operate in Ukraine. Washington has divided them up  into different “armed groups.” The same way they have divided the “volunteer” armed forces in Ukraine.
Often, they are ordered to fight each other. It should be noted that the “war against each other” is conceived with different tactical purposes.
For example, it is possible to capture a new area not by attacking in an offensive operation on one common front, but by way of conducting an armed skirmished between two mini armies, then forcing one to “retreat” to a new desired location.
 This is being done in order to make it appear more like real war and far more confusing to casual observers; outsider viewers are not supposed to see that everything that is happening is coming directly from one in the same single directing power.
The “volunteer battalions of the militia” or the so-called “pro-Russia separatists”: 
I am getting additional requests to explain as clearly as possible why I do not praise “pro-Russian separatists” as heroes. I will explain slowly, point by point:
All the fighters who get serious press from Western media share some common trends. From the very beginning of their activities, they have openly used the Russian flag, initially to support the lie that they were sent by the secret services of Russia. One by one they were shoving their “Russian passports” into foreign journalists’ cameras. From the very beginning, this was all done with one specific goal in mind: to paint a neat picture of a “Russian invasion.”
Furthermore, by sheer coincidence, or sheer Western luck, all of these “Pro-Russian separatists” left a great deal of very clearly decipherable evidence of their war crimes wherever they went.

For example, Pavlov left a recorded telephone conversation where he clearly says that he killed 15 prisoners and will kill again.
This is war crime by Russia’s standards. Mister Girkin also left his “confession” during a telephone conversation about the murder of the local representative of Ukraine, who was obviously an unarmed civilian.
Girkin described his murder colorfully, how his stomach was cut opened, his smell and other gruesome details. Then there is a famous “Order” of Girkin about the shootings of the prisoners. There are also recorded negotiations on the elimination of conscripts at the checkpoints, by cutting their throats, ISIS-style.
Keep in mind, neither you nor I know if those crimes were actually ever committed; I assume the goal was to create iron-clad proof of Russian “atrocities.”
Of course they actually have indeed killed many people, including conscripts for example, and many volunteers who really believed the calls of misters Girkin and Pavlov.
The volunteers were used blindly, positioned at the right trenches in Semenovka, and their accomplices had thrashed into those trenches.
I don’t know how many were killed. I don’t know what the grand purpose of mister Girkin was in murdering so many people in Slavyansk only to leave the city and surrender it to his associates from the other formation.
Well…I know, of course, but I have been asked to explain myself in “simple terms” and that is what I’m attempting to do.

All the “commander-heroes” who “heroically” perished in the battles against fascism were those who became targets of huge PR campaigns. We don’t even mention the ordinary people here, their importance is exactly Zero.
But those PR-created “heroes” left sufficient amounts of evidence of their war crimes for any military and international tribunal.
Their war crimes were cruel, meaningless, and unnecessary. They committed crimes of torture and murder against people in the Donbass region, which was all carried out by the heroes of the “Batman” armed formation.
In many “wiretapping” cases, carefully recorded and posted on the web, those same “heroes and rebels” tell each other everything, from killing conscripts and prisoners of war, to shooting down planes (including the Boeing, surprise, surprise.) They talk about the “good Medvedev” who sent them tanks and missiles. In short, everything was recorded (luckily and accessibly.) It’s all there; seek and ye shall find.
If you think that this is all just a happy coincidence and they just accidentally happened to all be war criminals, sadists, and Nazi sympathizers, then it’s not me it’s you. It is your problem.
I’m not a doctor, but those of you with any amount of brain, you must understand that it wasn’t just a lucky coincidence that all these media heroes of the “new Russia” were quite real war criminals and sadists, against whom there is irrefutable evidences and that they all were waved the flags of Russia (luckily for the U.S.) This is important.

I have been writing a lot about the role of “Israel-TV,” and now we have the latest episode of their show.
Yesterday, Solovyov brought Zakharchenko live and he thanked Russia for the hero Motorola. Milonov, a Deputy of the State Duma, proposed to perpetuate the name of this hero and a part-time war criminal and him to the name of the Russian Federation.
Do you remember how the entire West, with fury and cynicism, fucked our brains about the courts, compensations, shame and other delights from the non-existent war crimes in Chechnya?
To make it perfectly clear, there was no evidence then, unlike now, with all these carefully assembled galleries of “heroes” and their crimes committed with the support of the Russian flag.
The West didn’t have anything like this in Chechnya, not even close.
I want to explain to you all, as schematically and as simply as I can, what exactly will happen next.
Soon, they will begin a new phase of the Western war against us, and it will start with fifteen women, who, into the Western cameras of the “world community” at large, will declare that their sons were killed by “Hero of Russia,” Motorola. All evidence of his murders and crimes was recorded and is available to be heard by all.
Any basic voice identification program will show that it was said by him, by the “Hero of Russia,” by this citizen of Russia, by your favorite pet Pavlov.

Many others will suffer a similar fate as Motorola, most of them will most likely be “done in,” lest they refuse to play along and point at those who hired them. But the evidence will remain, and such crimes have no statutes of limitation.
On the basis of this “evidence,” there will be an “international court” whose plans and goals we are all too familiar with.
At the same time, your hero and “patriot” Soloviev will feed you stories that Motorola is still our hero and that he just took revenge on the Nazis for the millions of innocent children and all that. You will play along, while Russia will be slowly murdered.
I want to reveal to you a terrible secret: if a maniac had killed and eaten a baby, and you, in retaliation, killed, roasted and ate his child, you’ll be doing life in prison, just like the first man-eater. And eye-for-an-eye is no noble fit of rage, nor does it make you a hero. You are still the same man-eater and murderer. Simple enough?
I need to highlight a small detail here, which is that during the entirety of the Chechen war, there was not a single recorded conversation, not one recorded “exchange,” where Russian soldiers or military officers would admit “war crimes” to one another and describe them in joyful detail.

Keep in mind, that there were many fakes created by the West, they were used to morally destroy us, but fakes cannot be used in court.  The real thing, however, can be used very easily.
Just yesterday, the Washington Post published this:

MOSCOW — He bragged about being a cold-blooded killer, and videotaped battles with his helmet cam.
Kiev has called Pavlov a war criminal. Asked by the Kyiv Post last April about allegations that he had executed a Ukrainian defender of the airport, Pavlov responded: “I don’t give a f*** about what I am accused of, believe it or not. I shot 15 prisoners dead. I don’t give a f***. No comment. I kill if I want to. I don’t if I don’t.”

Another example:
Watch how they on a federal television channel and are promoting the citizen of the RF Cherdanceva

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language
I have been receiving multiple requests to write briefly and “in human language” on what I think about Ukraine. I have to warn you, the fact of the matter is if you don’t like the Cat’s language, then find someone more human and read them instead.
But just this once, I will write for you in a “human” language.
The contemporary Ukrainian army is a foreign legion, as was explicitly stated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Ukraine’s army has been and will continue to fulfill orders from Washington.
The “volunteer battalions “of “the Ukraine” are composed of former prisoners, released on Washington’s orders, in addition to former members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) who have been in Ukraine for a long time.
They have set up field synagogues run by the camping rabbis. They don’t exactly advertise this fact, but they do not hide it either. It’s being hidden only from Russian audiences who are being fed the Western-sponsored media driven ideas that Ukraine has a civil war.  Just like people all over the world are being told that there is a “civil war” in Syria; neither of these purported ideas are true.
Furthermore, the “volunteer battalions” of Ukraine are staffed with mercenaries of many nations and from regions such as Poland, the Baltics, Canada, Georgia, Chechnya, the Middle East, Sweden and other foreign, non-Ukrainians, including citizens of Russia. Just like in Syria, so-called secret service specialists from the United States and Britain operate in Ukraine. Washington has divided them up  into different “armed groups.” The same way they have divided the “volunteer” armed forces in Ukraine.
Often, they are ordered to fight each other. It should be noted that the “war against each other” is conceived with different tactical purposes.
For example, it is possible to capture a new area not by attacking in an offensive operation on one common front, but by way of conducting an armed skirmished between two mini armies, then forcing one to “retreat” to a new desired location.
This is being done in order to make it appear more like real war and far more confusing to casual observers; outsider viewers are not supposed to see that everything that is happening is coming directly from one in the same single directing power.
The “volunteer battalions of the militia” or the so-called “pro-Russia separatists”: 
I am getting additional requests to explain as clearly as possible why I do not praise “pro-Russian separatists” as heroes. I will explain slowly, point by point:
All the fighters who get serious press from Western media share some common trends. From the very beginning of their activities, they have openly used the Russian flag, initially to support the lie that they were sent by the secret services of Russia. One by one they were shoving their “Russian passports” into foreign journalists’ cameras. From the very beginning, this was all done with one specific goal in mind: to paint a neat picture of a “Russian invasion.”
Furthermore, by sheer coincidence, or sheer Western luck, all of these “Pro-Russian separatists” left a great deal of very clearly decipherable evidence of their war crimes wherever they went.
For example, Pavlov left a recorded telephone conversation where he clearly says that he killed 15 prisoners and will kill again.
This is war crime by Russia’s standards. Mister Girkin also left his “confession” during a telephone conversation about the murder of the local representative of Ukraine, who was obviously an unarmed civilian.
Girkin described his murder colorfully, how his stomach was cut opened, his smell and other gruesome details. Then there is a famous “Order” of Girkin about the shootings of the prisoners. There are also recorded negotiations on the elimination of conscripts at the checkpoints, by cutting their throats, ISIS-style.
Keep in mind, neither you nor I know if those crimes were actually ever committed; I assume the goal was to create iron-clad proof of Russian “atrocities.”
Of course they actually have indeed killed many people, including conscripts for example, and many volunteers who really believed the calls of misters Girkin and Pavlov.
The volunteers were used blindly, positioned at the right trenches in Semenovka, and their accomplices had thrashed into those trenches.
I don’t know how many were killed. I don’t know what the grand purpose of mister Girkin was in murdering so many people in Slavyansk only to leave the city and surrender it to his associates from the other formation.
Well…I know, of course, but I have been asked to explain myself in “simple terms” and that is what I’m attempting to do.
All the “commander-heroes” who “heroically” perished in the battles against fascism were those who became targets of huge PR campaigns. We don’t even mention the ordinary people here, their importance is exactly Zero.
But those PR-created “heroes” left sufficient amounts of evidence of their war crimes for any military and international tribunal.
Their war crimes were cruel, meaningless, and unnecessary. They committed crimes of torture and murder against people in the Donbass region, which was all carried out by the heroes of the “Batman” armed formation.
In many “wiretapping” cases, carefully recorded and posted on the web, those same “heroes and rebels” tell each other everything, from killing conscripts and prisoners of war, to shooting down planes (including the Boeing, surprise, surprise.) They talk about the “good Medvedev” who sent them tanks and missiles. In short, everything was recorded (luckily and accessibly.) It’s all there; seek and ye shall find.
If you think that this is all just a happy coincidence and they just accidentally happened to all be war criminals, sadists, and Nazi sympathizers, then it’s not me it’s you. It is your problem.
I’m not a doctor, but those of you with any amount of brain, you must understand that it wasn’t just a lucky coincidence that all these media heroes of the “new Russia” were quite real war criminals and sadists, against whom there is irrefutable evidences and that they all were waved the flags of Russia (luckily for the U.S.) This is important.
I have been writing a lot about the role of “Israel-TV,” and now we have the latest episode of their show.
Yesterday, Solovyov brought Zakharchenko live and he thanked Russia for the hero Motorola. Milonov, a Deputy of the State Duma, proposed to perpetuate the name of this hero and a part-time war criminal and him to the name of the Russian Federation.
Do you remember how the entire West, with fury and cynicism, fucked our brains about the courts, compensations, shame and other delights from the non-existent war crimes in Chechnya?
To make it perfectly clear, there was no evidence then, unlike now, with all these carefully assembled galleries of “heroes” and their crimes committed with the support of the Russian flag.
The West didn’t have anything like this in Chechnya, not even close.
I want to explain to you all, as schematically and as simply as I can, what exactly will happen next.
Soon, they will begin a new phase of the Western war against us, and it will start with fifteen women, who, into the Western cameras of the “world community” at large, will declare that their sons were killed by “Hero of Russia,” Motorola. All evidence of his murders and crimes was recorded and is available to be heard by all.
Any basic voice identification program will show that it was said by him, by the “Hero of Russia,” by this citizen of Russia, by your favorite pet Pavlov.
Many others will suffer a similar fate as Motorola, most of them will most likely be “done in,” lest they refuse to play along and point at those who hired them. But the evidence will remain, and such crimes have no statutes of limitation.
On the basis of this “evidence,” there will be an “international court” whose plans and goals we are all too familiar with.
At the same time, your hero and “patriot” Soloviev will feed you stories that Motorola is still our hero and that he just took revenge on the Nazis for the millions of innocent children and all that. You will play along, while Russia will be slowly murdered.
I want to reveal to you a terrible secret: if a maniac had killed and eaten a baby, and you, in retaliation, killed, roasted and ate his child, you’ll be doing life in prison, just like the first man-eater. And eye-for-an-eye is no noble fit of rage, nor does it make you a hero. You are still the same man-eater and murderer. Simple enough?
I need to highlight a small detail here, which is that during the entirety of the Chechen war, there was not a single recorded conversation, not one recorded “exchange,” where Russian soldiers or military officers would admit “war crimes” to one another and describe them in joyful detail.
Keep in mind, that there were many fakes created by the West, they were used to morally destroy us, but fakes cannot be used in court.  The real thing, however, can be used very easily.
Just yesterday, the Washington Post published this:

MOSCOW — He bragged about being a cold-blooded killer, and videotaped battles with his helmet cam.
Kiev has called Pavlov a war criminal. Asked by the Kyiv Post last April about allegations that he had executed a Ukrainian defender of the airport, Pavlov responded: “I don’t give a f*** about what I am accused of, believe it or not. I shot 15 prisoners dead. I don’t give a f***. No comment. I kill if I want to. I don’t if I don’t.”

Another example:
Watch how they on a federal television channel and are promoting the citizen of the RF Cherdanceva.
After a brief period of time she was convicted by the court in Russia for murder. She turned out to be a serial-killer.
Do you still think that it’s just a coincidence that all of the heroes that have been promoted by the West turn out to be serial-killers, sadists, war criminals, animal torturers, and maniacs, all of them gathering in one place at the same time.
All of them have been propagated and promoted by the West, just as the “Russian Heroes”
 Here we find a step by step report of who killed the local Ukrainian representative with the last name Rubak and how they killed him. By te way, I don’t know for sure f he was killed or died of natural causes, but everything around his death was staged to set US up.  However, a fact is a fact: the voices are real, and someone’s body was buried. On a face of it, it was a war crime to murder unarmed representative of the local authorities and a member f the “opposition” in the region.  Keep in mind that no one ever with the exception of the ISIS and “heroes of Novorossya” no one else left the reordered evidence of their criminal activities. Look for any, you won’t find any…. Oh, yes, with the exception of Gladio and the fake European communists.

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language
I have been receiving multiple requests to write briefly and “in human language” on what I think about Ukraine. I have to warn you, the fact of the matter is if you don’t like the Cat’s language, then find someone more human and read them instead.
But just this once, I will write for you in a “human” language.
The contemporary Ukrainian army is a foreign legion, as was explicitly stated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Ukraine’s army has been and will continue to fulfill orders from Washington.
The “volunteer battalions “of “the Ukraine” are composed of former prisoners, released on Washington’s orders, in addition to former members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) who have been in Ukraine for a long time.
They have set up field synagogues run by the camping rabbis. They don’t exactly advertise this fact, but they do not hide it either. It’s being hidden only from Russian audiences who are being fed the Western-sponsored media driven ideas that Ukraine has a civil war.  Just like people all over the world are being told that there is a “civil war” in Syria; neither of these purported ideas are true.
Furthermore, the “volunteer battalions” of Ukraine are staffed with mercenaries of many nations and from regions such as Poland, the Baltics, Canada, Georgia, Chechnya, the Middle East, Sweden and other foreign, non-Ukrainians, including citizens of Russia. Just like in Syria, so-called secret service specialists from the United States and Britain operate in Ukraine. Washington has divided them up  into different “armed groups.” The same way they have divided the “volunteer” armed forces in Ukraine.
Often, they are ordered to fight each other. It should be noted that the “war against each other” is conceived with different tactical purposes.
For example, it is possible to capture a new area not by attacking in an offensive operation on one common front, but by way of conducting an armed skirmished between two mini armies, then forcing one to “retreat” to a new desired location.
This is being done in order to make it appear more like real war and far more confusing to casual observers; outsider viewers are not supposed to see that everything that is happening is coming directly from one in the same single directing power.
The “volunteer battalions of the militia” or the so-called “pro-Russia separatists”: 
I am getting additional requests to explain as clearly as possible why I do not praise “pro-Russian separatists” as heroes. I will explain slowly, point by point:
All the fighters who get serious press from Western media share some common trends. From the very beginning of their activities, they have openly used the Russian flag, initially to support the lie that they were sent by the secret services of Russia. One by one they were shoving their “Russian passports” into foreign journalists’ cameras. From the very beginning, this was all done with one specific goal in mind: to paint a neat picture of a “Russian invasion.”
Furthermore, by sheer coincidence, or sheer Western luck, all of these “Pro-Russian separatists” left a great deal of very clearly decipherable evidence of their war crimes wherever they went.
For example, Pavlov left a recorded telephone conversation where he clearly says that he killed 15 prisoners and will kill again.
This is war crime by Russia’s standards. Mister Girkin also left his “confession” during a telephone conversation about the murder of the local representative of Ukraine, who was obviously an unarmed civilian.
Girkin described his murder colorfully, how his stomach was cut opened, his smell and other gruesome details. Then there is a famous “Order” of Girkin about the shootings of the prisoners. There are also recorded negotiations on the elimination of conscripts at the checkpoints, by cutting their throats, ISIS-style.
Keep in mind, neither you nor I know if those crimes were actually ever committed; I assume the goal was to create iron-clad proof of Russian “atrocities.”
Of course they actually have indeed killed many people, including conscripts for example, and many volunteers who really believed the calls of misters Girkin and Pavlov.
The volunteers were used blindly, positioned at the right trenches in Semenovka, and their accomplices had thrashed into those trenches.
I don’t know how many were killed. I don’t know what the grand purpose of mister Girkin was in murdering so many people in Slavyansk only to leave the city and surrender it to his associates from the other formation.
Well…I know, of course, but I have been asked to explain myself in “simple terms” and that is what I’m attempting to do.
All the “commander-heroes” who “heroically” perished in the battles against fascism were those who became targets of huge PR campaigns. We don’t even mention the ordinary people here, their importance is exactly Zero.
But those PR-created “heroes” left sufficient amounts of evidence of their war crimes for any military and international tribunal.
Their war crimes were cruel, meaningless, and unnecessary. They committed crimes of torture and murder against people in the Donbass region, which was all carried out by the heroes of the “Batman” armed formation.
In many “wiretapping” cases, carefully recorded and posted on the web, those same “heroes and rebels” tell each other everything, from killing conscripts and prisoners of war, to shooting down planes (including the Boeing, surprise, surprise.) They talk about the “good Medvedev” who sent them tanks and missiles. In short, everything was recorded (luckily and accessibly.) It’s all there; seek and ye shall find.
If you think that this is all just a happy coincidence and they just accidentally happened to all be war criminals, sadists, and Nazi sympathizers, then it’s not me it’s you. It is your problem.
I’m not a doctor, but those of you with any amount of brain, you must understand that it wasn’t just a lucky coincidence that all these media heroes of the “new Russia” were quite real war criminals and sadists, against whom there is irrefutable evidences and that they all were waved the flags of Russia (luckily for the U.S.) This is important.
I have been writing a lot about the role of “Israel-TV,” and now we have the latest episode of their show.
Yesterday, Solovyov brought Zakharchenko live and he thanked Russia for the hero Motorola. Milonov, a Deputy of the State Duma, proposed to perpetuate the name of this hero and a part-time war criminal and him to the name of the Russian Federation.
Do you remember how the entire West, with fury and cynicism, fucked our brains about the courts, compensations, shame and other delights from the non-existent war crimes in Chechnya?
To make it perfectly clear, there was no evidence then, unlike now, with all these carefully assembled galleries of “heroes” and their crimes committed with the support of the Russian flag.
The West didn’t have anything like this in Chechnya, not even close.
I want to explain to you all, as schematically and as simply as I can, what exactly will happen next.
Soon, they will begin a new phase of the Western war against us, and it will start with fifteen women, who, into the Western cameras of the “world community” at large, will declare that their sons were killed by “Hero of Russia,” Motorola. All evidence of his murders and crimes was recorded and is available to be heard by all.
Any basic voice identification program will show that it was said by him, by the “Hero of Russia,” by this citizen of Russia, by your favorite pet Pavlov.
Many others will suffer a similar fate as Motorola, most of them will most likely be “done in,” lest they refuse to play along and point at those who hired them. But the evidence will remain, and such crimes have no statutes of limitation.
On the basis of this “evidence,” there will be an “international court” whose plans and goals we are all too familiar with.
At the same time, your hero and “patriot” Soloviev will feed you stories that Motorola is still our hero and that he just took revenge on the Nazis for the millions of innocent children and all that. You will play along, while Russia will be slowly murdered.
I want to reveal to you a terrible secret: if a maniac had killed and eaten a baby, and you, in retaliation, killed, roasted and ate his child, you’ll be doing life in prison, just like the first man-eater. And eye-for-an-eye is no noble fit of rage, nor does it make you a hero. You are still the same man-eater and murderer. Simple enough?
I need to highlight a small detail here, which is that during the entirety of the Chechen war, there was not a single recorded conversation, not one recorded “exchange,” where Russian soldiers or military officers would admit “war crimes” to one another and describe them in joyful detail.
Keep in mind, that there were many fakes created by the West, they were used to morally destroy us, but fakes cannot be used in court.  The real thing, however, can be used very easily.
Just yesterday, the Washington Post published this:

MOSCOW — He bragged about being a cold-blooded killer, and videotaped battles with his helmet cam.
Kiev has called Pavlov a war criminal. Asked by the Kyiv Post last April about allegations that he had executed a Ukrainian defender of the airport, Pavlov responded: “I don’t give a f*** about what I am accused of, believe it or not. I shot 15 prisoners dead. I don’t give a f***. No comment. I kill if I want to. I don’t if I don’t.”

Another example:
Watch how they on a federal television channel and are promoting the citizen of the RF Cherdanceva.
After a brief period of time she was convicted by the court in Russia for murder. She turned out to be a serial-killer.
Do you still think that it’s just a coincidence that all of the heroes that have been promoted by the West turn out to be serial-killers, sadists, war criminals, animal torturers, and maniacs, all of them gathering in one place at the same time.
All of them have been propagated and promoted by the West, just as the “Russian Heroes”
Here we find a step by step report of who killed the local Ukrainian representative with the last name Rubak and how they killed him. By te way, I don’t know for sure f he was killed or died of natural causes, but everything around his death was staged to set US up.  However, a fact is a fact: the voices are real, and someone’s body was buried. On a face of it, it was a war crime to murder unarmed representative of the local authorities and a member f the “opposition” in the region.  Keep in mind that no one ever with the exception of the ISIS and “heroes of Novorossya” no one else left the reordered evidence of their criminal activities. Look for any, you won’t find any…. Oh, yes, with the exception of Gladio and the fake European communists.

If some scum is trying to prove to you to this day that the whole pack of maniacs, murderers, sadists, robbers and animal skinners, was sent to the Russian Donbass by the Russian officer Putin who “ordered” to keep these maniacs under the flags of Russia so they were free to kill, to rob , to shot, etc.. So, feel free yourself to say that this scum is from the tribe of Judas , and that he has no idea what could be done by the Russian officer Putin, and what he would never do. He dedicated his life for the salvation of Russia and the reunification of the Russian people. And he couldn’t under ANY circumstances to gather together this collective sadistic scum and he couldn’t send them to destroy the reputation of Russia and to cause the further backlash against the Russians living in Ukraine. He couldn’t and he didn’t.
At the beginning of this, until we became aware of all the facts, we could be wrong, in doubt, etc… but if today someone continues to say that it was Putin’s and Russia’s operation, he clearly is an ENEMY.
You need to understand this. Why everything looked so aggressive, Intrusive, spectacular, and massively expensive? .. it’s very simple really. In order to occupy a country like Ukraine by way of the open military aggression, it would take all of NATO , the country would be bombed in to oblivion, and leveled. In addition, it would mean an open war with Russia in Ukraine ( someone starts a war and occupation in order to win, not to lose, let me remind you )
Any analytic, even most loyal to NATO, would tell you that the occupation of the territory in ruins and with millions homeless. unemployed, hungry people  is a loss in itself, because slaves would need to be fed and housed somehow.
The occupation under the guise of civil war is a completely deferent matter. Especially, when all the war crimes and atrocities are being blamed on Russia, It’s easy and profitable. What we witness is that this sort of occupation took place  with the mass support of all the Israel-TV resources from Europe, the USA, Ukraine and based in Russia pro-Western condoms. This occupation has brought to the organizers a great deal of profit. It’s the citizens of Ukraine after the liberation from the occupation will have to pay interest on the money that the organizers took as if for the “Ukrainian nation”.  In addition, there is a powerful lever of pressure on Putin. In fact the Ukraine’s population is being kept hostage and occasionally animals directly threaten by means of the Israeli-TV. You just head how Solovyov on his show on federal tv threatened  what will happen if… Yesterday for example Solovyov advised to Koffman to do conscription of captured slaves and drive their herds to Mariupol. Kurginyan openly called to go and take what they can, and have promised lethal weapons . …

What do you think it was ?
Solovyov uncompromisingly told to this poor guy from Ukraine, I forgot his name, who almost cried saying that Ukraine needs peace, any peace, only so the people wouldn’t be killed. Soloviev gleefully told him that the war would be like fucking you IN ISRAEL and it will go on for decades… It’s just…I don’t know what else I have to tell you to open your eyes. It is a direct call for war, right from Ostankino , A direct appeal to make the citizens of Donbass by force to go and bomb the fucking city of their fellows , their relatives….I don’t know what you want to SEE AND HEAR and finally understand who they are and WHAT they do.
Why is this circus, for fake sake? Right, it’s made to scare people in Ukraine and in the West by the images of the “Russian barbarism.”

Another instance…. In your sound mind and memory you meet with the prime-Minister of Russian Federation and he promises you Grads, and also tons of  guns and a bag of atomic bombs, and you, being of sound mind and memory, go on reporting this news on a phone to your friend..Yes..Yes…What then ? Well, no, no, no you are not a CIA agent, you are a patriot, your conversation was just accidentally wiretapped, as it happened to all of them.
Video with the record of the conversation of Dremov with the “general of RF” about a conversation with the “Prime Minister of Russia” claimed by wiretapped by the SBU of Ukraine

The main target for this bloody gang and their masters in the first place is PUTIN.
Via Putin – Russia. Only knocking down Putin and his team they can capture Russia.  If these creatures could seize power in Russia – bingo – world domination .
Probably, this is no other person now on Earth who would bear a burden as big as Putin’s.
Multimillion Russian population in Ukraine is taken hostage. He is being blackmailed constantly, which is being seen only by a few; but he and people who are with him they certainly understand.
He is being blackmail by the initiation of a genocide under the guise of the “outbreak of hostilities ” by the “opposing sides.” Now there’s a hint of what he will have to, if they want it badly enough, to start saving from the forced mobilization, not only from Valtzman, but also from those “heroes” of yours. The second is much harder to accomplish, because our people believe in “heroes” and  people will go and will be buried in the mud near Mariupol, Kharkov etc…
This is the worst position that you can ever imagine.
I wrote about it before, metaphorically.

Technically, to commit atrocities on any territory while being dressed in the enemy’s uniform and  under the enemy’s flag, and using the enemy’s language has been widely used for at least a hundred years. During the WWII there were many such war crimes against us committed by militants dressed in the uniform of the Red Army, speaking Russian, under the red flag. Poles, Romanians , Western Ukrainians, Galicians, Polish Jews, ethnics from the Baltic States, all of them took part in war crimes against the Russian population. They killed many and severely.

Now they introduce a small technical detail, passports of those complicit in the war crimes have to be from the enemy state, nothing else. Technically there’s nothing new that is being done here and nothing supernatural. During the WWII there were many cases when a formation of the Red Army would come to a village, and stayed there for a month. They all were loved and cared for. After they conducted reconnaissance and sabotage at the area, before leaving they would slaughter an entire village,  leaving just a few living witnesses, so they could tell that it was the soldiers of the red Army who lived, ate, drank, slept in the village and killed them all.
Not particularly anything new. The scale of the operation is much larger and  the Goebbels broadcast not only in Germany, but around the world, and that’s it.
There were lots of occasions when they would come into the village as a unit of the NKVD , with documents of the law enforcement. They would settle and inform the residents that they came to catch a gang of saboteurs who are working in their area under the guise of guerrillas. People believed them and personally handed over the partisans, helped to catch them and was really happy when these partisans, Russian heroes ( real ) were executed in the middle of the village .
Much in this world have already took place before many time, and everything is being repeated again.
Those who want to see the truth,  can see it. Putin saved everyone. who wanted to be saved and who asked to be rescued. In addition, he urged citizens of Ukraine to come to Russia and to hide from mobilization in Russia. HE SAVED THE RUSSIANS AS BEST AS HE COULD . Open your eyes, turn on your brain .
August 5th, 2014 Video of  438 soldiers of Ukrainian military  had left the combat zone of the Donbass southern boiler and came to the territory of Russia.
 The guards and soldiers of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian army (just 438 people) came out last night to the checkpoint “Gukovo”. They said why they had to seek refuge on Russian territory. “Why did we come here? Because we are not at war with Russia. We have nowhere to go.  Our battalion commander said that this is the order for you guys to go to Russia and ask for shelter. They will give you shelter,” said soldiers

Putin was saving Russians equally from the hands of the valtsmans and girkins.
Video, Putin called Ukrainians to avoid the mobilization in Ukraine by traveling to Russia.

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language

Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language
I have been receiving multiple requests to write briefly and “in human language” on what I think about Ukraine. I have to warn you, the fact of the matter is if you don’t like the Cat’s language, then find someone more human and read them instead.
But just this once, I will write for you in a “human” language.
The contemporary Ukrainian army is a foreign legion, as was explicitly stated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Ukraine’s army has been and will continue to fulfill orders from Washington.
The “volunteer battalions “of “the Ukraine” are composed of former prisoners, released on Washington’s orders, in addition to former members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) who have been in Ukraine for a long time.
They have set up field synagogues run by the camping rabbis. They don’t exactly advertise this fact, but they do not hide it either. It’s being hidden only from Russian audiences who are being fed the Western-sponsored media driven ideas that Ukraine has a civil war.  Just like people all over the world are being told that there is a “civil war” in Syria; neither of these purported ideas are true.
Furthermore, the “volunteer battalions” of Ukraine are staffed with mercenaries of many nations and from regions such as Poland, the Baltics, Canada, Georgia, Chechnya, the Middle East, Sweden and other foreign, non-Ukrainians, including citizens of Russia. Just like in Syria, so-called secret service specialists from the United States and Britain operate in Ukraine. Washington has divided them up  into different “armed groups.” The same way they have divided the “volunteer” armed forces in Ukraine.
Often, they are ordered to fight each other. It should be noted that the “war against each other” is conceived with different tactical purposes.
For example, it is possible to capture a new area not by attacking in an offensive operation on one common front, but by way of conducting an armed skirmished between two mini armies, then forcing one to “retreat” to a new desired location.
This is being done in order to make it appear more like real war and far more confusing to casual observers; outsider viewers are not supposed to see that everything that is happening is coming directly from one in the same single directing power.
The “volunteer battalions of the militia” or the so-called “pro-Russia separatists”: 
I am getting additional requests to explain as clearly as possible why I do not praise “pro-Russian separatists” as heroes. I will explain slowly, point by point:
All the fighters who get serious press from Western media share some common trends. From the very beginning of their activities, they have openly used the Russian flag, initially to support the lie that they were sent by the secret services of Russia. One by one they were shoving their “Russian passports” into foreign journalists’ cameras. From the very beginning, this was all done with one specific goal in mind: to paint a neat picture of a “Russian invasion.”
Furthermore, by sheer coincidence, or sheer Western luck, all of these “Pro-Russian separatists” left a great deal of very clearly decipherable evidence of their war crimes wherever they went.
For example, Pavlov left a recorded telephone conversation where he clearly says that he killed 15 prisoners and will kill again.
This is war crime by Russia’s standards. Mister Girkin also left his “confession” during a telephone conversation about the murder of the local representative of Ukraine, who was obviously an unarmed civilian.
Girkin described his murder colorfully, how his stomach was cut opened, his smell and other gruesome details. Then there is a famous “Order” of Girkin about the shootings of the prisoners. There are also recorded negotiations on the elimination of conscripts at the checkpoints, by cutting their throats, ISIS-style.
Keep in mind, neither you nor I know if those crimes were actually ever committed; I assume the goal was to create iron-clad proof of Russian “atrocities.”
Of course they actually have indeed killed many people, including conscripts for example, and many volunteers who really believed the calls of misters Girkin and Pavlov.
The volunteers were used blindly, positioned at the right trenches in Semenovka, and their accomplices had thrashed into those trenches.
I don’t know how many were killed. I don’t know what the grand purpose of mister Girkin was in murdering so many people in Slavyansk only to leave the city and surrender it to his associates from the other formation.
Well…I know, of course, but I have been asked to explain myself in “simple terms” and that is what I’m attempting to do.
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All the “commander-heroes” who “heroically” perished in the battles against fascism were those who became targets of huge PR campaigns. We don’t even mention the ordinary people here, their importance is exactly Zero.
But those PR-created “heroes” left sufficient amounts of evidence of their war crimes for any military and international tribunal.
Their war crimes were cruel, meaningless, and unnecessary. They committed crimes of torture and murder against people in the Donbass region, which was all carried out by the heroes of the “Batman” armed formation.
In many “wiretapping” cases, carefully recorded and posted on the web, those same “heroes and rebels” tell each other everything, from killing conscripts and prisoners of war, to shooting down planes (including the Boeing, surprise, surprise.) They talk about the “good Medvedev” who sent them tanks and missiles. In short, everything was recorded (luckily and accessibly.) It’s all there; seek and ye shall find.
If you think that this is all just a happy coincidence and they just accidentally happened to all be war criminals, sadists, and Nazi sympathizers, then it’s not me it’s you. It is your problem.
I’m not a doctor, but those of you with any amount of brain, you must understand that it wasn’t just a lucky coincidence that all these media heroes of the “new Russia” were quite real war criminals and sadists, against whom there is irrefutable evidences and that they all were waved the flags of Russia (luckily for the U.S.) This is important.
I have been writing a lot about the role of “Israel-TV,” and now we have the latest episode of their show.
Yesterday, Solovyov brought Zakharchenko live and he thanked Russia for the hero Motorola. Milonov, a Deputy of the State Duma, proposed to perpetuate the name of this hero and a part-time war criminal and him to the name of the Russian Federation.
Do you remember how the entire West, with fury and cynicism, fucked our brains about the courts, compensations, shame and other delights from the non-existent war crimes in Chechnya?
To make it perfectly clear, there was no evidence then, unlike now, with all these carefully assembled galleries of “heroes” and their crimes committed with the support of the Russian flag.
The West didn’t have anything like this in Chechnya, not even close.
I want to explain to you all, as schematically and as simply as I can, what exactly will happen next.
Soon, they will begin a new phase of the Western war against us, and it will start with fifteen women, who, into the Western cameras of the “world community” at large, will declare that their sons were killed by “Hero of Russia,” Motorola. All evidence of his murders and crimes was recorded and is available to be heard by all.
Any basic voice identification program will show that it was said by him, by the “Hero of Russia,” by this citizen of Russia, by your favorite pet Pavlov.
Many others will suffer a similar fate as Motorola, most of them will most likely be “done in,” lest they refuse to play along and point at those who hired them. But the evidence will remain, and such crimes have no statutes of limitation.
On the basis of this “evidence,” there will be an “international court” whose plans and goals we are all too familiar with.
At the same time, your hero and “patriot” Soloviev will feed you stories that Motorola is still our hero and that he just took revenge on the Nazis for the millions of innocent children and all that. You will play along, while Russia will be slowly murdered.
I want to reveal to you a terrible secret: if a maniac had killed and eat
Thank you for your time,
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en a baby, and you, in retaliation, killed, roasted and ate his child, you’ll be doing life in prison, just like the first man-eater. And eye-for-an-eye is no noble fit of rage, nor does it make you a hero. You are still the same man-eater and murderer. Simple enough?
I need to highlight a small detail here, which is that during the entirety of the Chechen war, there was not a single recorded conversation, not one recorded “exchange,” where Russian soldiers or military officers would admit “war crimes” to one another and describe them in joyful detail.
Keep in mind, that there were many fakes created by the West, they were used to morally destroy us, but fakes cannot be used in court.  The real thing, however, can be used very easily.
Just yesterday, the Washington Post published this:

MOSCOW — He bragged about being a cold-blooded killer, and videotaped battles with his helmet cam.
Kiev has called Pavlov a war criminal. Asked by the Kyiv Post last April about allegations that he had executed a Ukrainian defender of the airport, Pavlov responded: “I don’t give a f*** about what I am accused of, believe it or not. I shot 15 prisoners dead. I don’t give a f***. No comment. I kill if I want to. I don’t if I don’t.”

Another example:
Watch how they on a federal television channel and are promoting the citizen of the RF Cherdanceva.
After a brief period of time she was convicted by the court in Russia for murder. She turned out to be a serial-killer.
Do you still think that it’s just a coincidence that all of the heroes that have been promoted by the West turn out to be serial-killers, sadists, war criminals, animal torturers, and maniacs, all of them gathering in one place at the same time.
All of them have been propagated and promoted by the West, just as the “Russian Heroes”
Here we find a step by step report of who killed the local Ukrainian representative with the last name Rubak and how they killed him. By te way, I don’t know for sure f he was killed or died of natural causes, but everything around his death was staged to set US up.  However, a fact is a fact: the voices are real, and someone’s body was buried. On a face of it, it was a war crime to murder unarmed representative of the local authorities and a member f the “opposition” in the region.  Keep in mind that no one ever with the exception of the ISIS and “heroes of Novorossya” no one else left the reordered evidence of their criminal activities. Look for any, you won’t find any…. Oh, yes, with the exception of Gladio and the fake European communists.

If some scum is trying to prove to you to this day that the whole pack of maniacs, murderers, sadists, robbers and animal skinners, was sent to the Russian Donbass by the Russian officer Putin who “ordered” to keep these maniacs under the flags of Russia so they were free to kill, to rob , to shot, etc.. So, feel free yourself to say that this scum is from the tribe of Judas , and that he has no idea what could be done by the Russian officer Putin, and what he would never do. He dedicated his life for the salvation of Russia and the reunification of the Russian people. And he couldn’t under ANY circumstances to gather together this collective sadistic scum and he couldn’t send them to destroy the reputation of Russia and to cause the further backlash against the Russians living in Ukraine. He couldn’t and he didn’t.
At the beginning of this, until we became aware of all the facts, we could be wrong, in doubt, etc… but if today someone continues to say that it was Putin’s and Russia’s operation, he clearly is an ENEMY.
You need to understand this. Why everything looked so aggressive, Intrusive, spectacular, and massively expensive? .. it’s very simple really. In order to occupy a country like Ukraine by way of the open military aggression, it would take all of NATO , the country would be bombed in to oblivion, and leveled. In addition, it would mean an open war with Russia in Ukraine ( someone starts a war and occupation in order to win, not to lose, let me remind you )
Any analytic, even most loyal to NATO, would tell you that the occupation of the territory in ruins and with millions homeless. unemployed, hungry people  is a loss in itself, because slaves would need to be fed and housed somehow.
The occupation under the guise of civil war is a completely deferent matter. Especially, when all the war crimes and atrocities are being blamed on Russia, It’s easy and profitable. What we witness is that this sort of occupation took place  with the mass support of all the Israel-TV resources from Europe, the USA, Ukraine and based in Russia pro-Western condoms. This occupation has brought to the organizers a great deal of profit. It’s the citizens of Ukraine after the liberation from the occupation will have to pay interest on the money that the organizers took as if for the “Ukrainian nation”.  In addition, there is a powerful lever of pressure on Putin. In fact the Ukraine’s population is being kept hostage and occasionally animals directly threaten by means of the Israeli-TV. You just head how Solovyov on his show on federal tv threatened  what will happen if…
Yesterday for example Solovyov advised to Koffman to do conscription of captured slaves and drive their herds to Mariupol. Kurginyan openly called to go and take what they can, and have promised lethal weapons . …
What do you think it was ?
Solovyov uncompromisingly told to this poor guy from Ukraine, I forgot his name, who almost cried saying that Ukraine needs peace, any peace, only so the people wouldn’t be killed. Soloviev gleefully told him that the war would be like fucking you IN ISRAEL and it will go on for decades… It’s just…I don’t know what else I have to tell you to open your eyes. It is a direct call for war, right from Ostankino , A direct appeal to make the citizens of Donbass by force to go and bomb the fucking city of their fellows , their relatives….I don’t know what you want to SEE AND HEAR and finally understand who they are and WHAT they do.
Why is this circus, for fake sake? Right, it’s made to scare people in Ukraine and in the West by the images of the “Russian barbarism.”

Another instance…. In your sound mind and memory you meet with the prime-Minister of Russian Federation and he promises you Grads, and also tons of  guns and a bag of atomic bombs, and you, being of sound mind and memory, go on reporting this news on a phone to your friend..Yes..Yes…What then ? Well, no, no, no you are not a CIA agent, you are a patriot, your conversation was just accidentally wiretapped, as it happened to all of them.
Video with the record of the conversation of Dremov with the “general of RF” about a conversation with the “Prime Minister of Russia” claimed by wiretapped by the SBU of Ukraine

The main target for this bloody gang and their masters in the first place is PUTIN.
Via Putin – Russia. Only knocking down Putin and his team they can capture Russia.  If these creatures could seize power in Russia – bingo – world domination .
Probably, this is no other person now on Earth who would bear a burden as big as Putin’s.
Multimillion Russian population in Ukraine is taken hostage. He is being blackmailed constantly, which is being seen only by a few; but he and people who are with him they certainly understand.
He is being blackmail by the initiation of a genocide under the guise of the “outbreak of hostilities ” by the “opposing sides.” Now there’s a hint of what he will have to, if they want it badly enough, to start saving from the forced mobilization, not only from Valtzman, but also from those “heroes” of yours. The second is much harder to accomplish, because our people believe in “heroes” and  people will go and will be buried in the mud near Mariupol, Kharkov etc…
This is the worst position that you can ever imagine.
I wrote about it before, metaphorically.

Technically, to commit atrocities on any territory while being dressed in the enemy’s uniform and  under the enemy’s flag, and using the enemy’s language has been widely used for at least a hundred years. During the WWII there were many such war crimes against us committed by militants dressed in the uniform of the Red Army, speaking Russian, under the red flag. Poles, Romanians , Western Ukrainians, Galicians, Polish Jews, ethnics from the Baltic States, all of them took part in war crimes against the Russian population. They killed many and severely.
Now they introduce a small technical detail, passports of those complicit in the war crimes have to be from the enemy state, nothing else. Technically there’s nothing new that is being done here and nothing supernatural. During the WWII there were many cases when a formation of the Red Army would come to a village, and stayed there for a month. They all were loved and cared for. After they conducted reconnaissance and sabotage at the area, before leaving they would slaughter an entire village,  leaving just a few living witnesses, so they could tell that it was the soldiers of the red Army who lived, ate, drank, slept in the village and killed them all.
Not particularly anything new. The scale of the operation is much larger and  the Goebbels broadcast not only in Germany, but around the world, and that’s it.
There were lots of occasions when they would come into the village as a unit of the NKVD , with documents of the law enforcement. They would settle and inform the residents that they came to catch a gang of saboteurs who are working in their area under the guise of guerrillas. People believed them and personally handed over the partisans, helped to catch them and was really happy when these partisans, Russian heroes ( real ) were executed in the middle of the village .
Much in this world have already took place before many time, and everything is being repeated again.
Those who want to see the truth,  can see it. Putin saved everyone. who wanted to be saved and who asked to be rescued. In addition, he urged citizens of Ukraine to come to Russia and to hide from mobilization in Russia. HE SAVED THE RUSSIANS AS BEST AS HE COULD . Open your eyes, turn on your brain .
August 5th, 2014 Video of  438 soldiers of Ukrainian military  had left the combat zone of the Donbass southern boiler and came to the territory of Russia.
The guards and soldiers of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian army (just 438 people) came out last night to the checkpoint “Gukovo”. They said why they had to seek refuge on Russian territory. “Why did we come here? Because we are not at war with Russia. We have nowhere to go.  Our battalion commander said that this is the order for you guys to go to Russia and ask for shelter. They will give you shelter,” said soldiers.

Putin was saving Russians equally from the hands of the valtsmans and girkins.
Video, Putin called Ukrainians to avoid the mobilization in Ukraine by traveling to Russia.

“Millions of people went to bed in one country and awoke in different ones, overnight becoming ethnic minorities in former Union republics, while the Russian nation became one of the biggest, if not the biggest ethnic group in the world to be divided by borders.”  President Putin
“Do you think it is normal that 25 million people, Russian people, suddenly found themselves abroad?
The Russians have turned out to be the largest divided nation in the world nowadays. Is that not a problem? It is not a problem for you as it is for me.” from an interview.

10/18 2016 Peskov: Support of ‘Motorola’  is not Russia’s official position

Thank you for your time,
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Karmeinta puppua aikoihin

Osuipa käteeni vanhan tuttavamme kommarin uusin tekele Lahtari, Punikki ja Teurastaja; marsalkka Mannerheim, Kullervo Manner ja Ratko Mladic historian henkilöinä. Kiistattomasti hirveintä soopaa sitten kirkkoherran aivopierun (joka näkyy kadonneen netistä). Kommari ilmaisee itseään ehkä tarkoituksellisenkin hämärästi, mutta tulkinta talvisodasta menee jotenkin näin: Suomi hyökkäsi Saksan vasallina Neuvostoliiton kimppuun, mutta Suomen hyökkäys pysähtyi Mannerheim-linjalle (?!) ja sitten Neuvostoliiton vastahyökkäys pakotti Suomen solmimaan rauhan. Naurettavuudessa tämän voittaa korkeintaan Kullervo Mannerin hagiografian kohta, jossa kerrotaan Mannerin vankileiriltä lähettämästä kirjeestä: Manner vakuutti, että vaikka leiri oli lähellä Suomen rajaa, puolueen ei tarvitsisi olla huolissaan. Hän ei koskaan voisi poistua Neuvostoliitosta ilman lupaa.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Stepanov, Kekkonen ja Karjala

Moni varmaan katselikin eilistä Kekkos-dokumenttia. Vaikka varsinainen aihe olikin Kekkosen terveyden pettäminen, hyvää suomea puhunut entinen suurlähettiläs Vladimir Stepanov kertoi myöskin Kekkosen yrityksistä palauttaa Karjala. Stepanovkin tuntui olevan sitä mieltä, että palautuksen aika ei vielä silloin ollut, mutta kyllä vielä joskus tulisi.

Friday, October 07, 2016

Rauhantaidetta Venäjältä

Minkähänlainen huuto syntyisi, jos Obamasta ja Kerrystä levitettäisiin vastaavaa kuvaa?

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Putinistien ja anarkistien vihanpito: hauskempaa kuin sirkuksessa

MV-lehti ja tyhmä pastori ovat nyt napit vastakkain paitsi piispojen, myös anarkistien kanssa:

Samalla tavalla ennakkoluulojen perusteella KauniaisessaHumanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu muodosti minusta tuomion. Sain kutsun saapua ”Kulttuuriradikalismipäivään”,mutta vasemmistoanarkistien protestin jälkeen rehtori Tapio Huttula (kesk)ilmoitti koulun sanoutuvan irti rasismista ja vihapuheesta. Hän tiesi jo tuossavaiheessa, että minä olisin saapunut paikalle. Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulunviestintäpäällikkö Jarmo Röksä kirjoitti jopa solvaukseksi tulkittavan julkisenvuodatuksensa, että ”rasistinen kummajainen” olisi saapunut paikalle. Tätäsolvausta vahvistivat useat entiset ja nykyiset humanistisenammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat sekä opettajat, joiden mukaan saapunut henkilöolisi ollut rasistinen skinhead!

Toivottavasti kalja ja sipsit eivät mene väärään kurkkuun huutonaurukohtauksen takia.

Aleppo 4300 eKr - 2016 jKr

That exactly how Russia won in Chechnya, in Grozny,  over the international terrorists that the West trained and equipped. Militants are able to hide amongst civilians forever. It’s impossible to cut water and electrics, and smoke them out because of so many civilians.  Food delivering have to be continued, if civilians are there. Terrorists built millions of underground tunnels and move around with ease. That’s why Aleppo will be erased completely. After liberation, new city will be built.

 Objektiivisesti ajatteleva henkilö näkee, että Venäjä tekee ihmiskunnan kannalta hyvää työtä tukiessaan Syyrian hallitusta. Terrorismin tukemiseen on kuitenkin osallistunut niin suuri määrä Yhdysvaltojen NATO- ja muita liittolaisia sen itsensä lisäksi, että koko läntinen tiedonvälitys/propagandakoneisto on valjastettu kuvaamaan Venäjä rikolliseksi ja terrorismin tukijat viattomiksi hyväntekijöiksi.

Monday, October 03, 2016


2014: MH17 ammuttiin alas. Venäjä ei halunnut, että asiasta tehdään puolueeton kansainvälinen tutkinta.

1939: Mainilan laukaukset ammuttiin. Neuvostoliitto ei halunnut, että asiasta tehdään puolueeton kansainvälinen tutkinta.