Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kuka tappoikaan Litvinenkon, eli uusin kokoelma ristiriitaisia selityksiä

Uudelleen otskoihin noussut Litvinenkon myrkyttäminen on saanut Venäjän propagandan turvautumaan vanhaan hyväksi koettuun keinoon, kokoelmaan keskenään ristiriitaisia selityksiä. Niitä löytyy ainakin seuraavat:

Venäjän mafia murhasi Litvinenkon

Indeed, Litvinenko, in the months before his death, had targeted several well-known members of the Russian Mafia with his blackmail scheme. That they would take umbrage at this is hardly shocking.

Litvinenko myrkytti itsensä vahingossa

 Probably, Litvinenko’s death was due to the fact that he was engaged in the smuggling of nuclear materials and accidently poisoned himself.

 Ehkä asialla kuitenkin oli Venäjä, mutta mitä siitä, kun länsimaat tekevät vielä pahempia asioita.

It is curious that The Post draws a contrast between Putin and Obama, whose government is supposedly above such criminality. The newspaper does not mention the U.S. government’s drone assassination program, which as of last year had killed nearly 2,500 people in at least three countries outside of declared military battlefields. Estimates have shown that at least 90 percent of those killed were not intended targets. None of those killed have been charged with any crimes. And at least two – Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old son Abdul Rahman – were Americans.

Ja ihan uusimpana, Litvinenko ei ollut edes Venäjän vihollinen, ja brittien tiedustelu murhasi hänet.

Maksim Litvinenko, Aleksandr's younger brother who lives in Rimini, Italy, responded to the Thursday report by saying it was “ridiculous” to blame the Kremlin for the murder of his brother, stating that he believes British security services had more of a motive to carry out the assassination.
"My father and I are sure that the Russian authorities are not involved. It's all a set-up to put pressure on the Russian government,” Litvinenko told the Mirror, adding that such reasoning is the only explanation as to why the inquiry was launched 10 years after his brother's death.
He called the British report a “smear” on Putin, and stressed that rumors claiming his brother was an enemy of the state are false. He added that Aleksandr had planned to return to Russia, and had even told friends about the move.

Eikä myrkkykään ollut oikeesti poloniumia.

Litvinenko was murdered in London in 2006, when assassins allegedly slipped radioactive polonium 21 into his cup of tea at a hotel. But his brother Maksim cast doubt on whether that was actually the poison used, saying he believes it could have been planted to frame the Russians.
"I believe he could have been killed by another poison, maybe thallium, which killed him slowly, and the polonium was planted afterwards,” he said. He added that requests to have his brother's body exhumed, in order to verify the presence of polonium, have been ignored by Britain.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Pitkien puukkojen yö odotettavissa Venäjällä?

Venäjän propagandassa näkyy jälleen merkkejä valtataistelusta:

I call the group behind Medvedev the “Atlantic Integrationists” and the people behind Putin the “Eurasian Sovereignists”. The former wants Russia to be accepted by the West as an equal partner and fully integration Russia into the AngloZionist Empire, while the latter want to fully “sovereignize” Russia and then create a multi-polar international system with the help of China and the other BRICS countries.
What the Atlantic Integrationists did not expect is that Putin would slowly but surely begin to squeeze them out of power: first he cracked down on the most notorious oligarchs such as Berezovskii and Khodorkovskii, then he began cracking down on the local oligarchs, gubernatorial mafias, ethnic mobsters, corrupt industry officials, etc. Putin restored the “vertical [axis]of power” and crushed the Wahabi insurgents in Chechnia. Putin even carefully set up the circumstances needed to get rid of some of the worst ministers such as Serdiukov and Kudrin. But what Putin has so far failed to do is to
The current Russian Constitution and system of government is a pure product of the US ‘advisors’ which, after the bloody crackdown against the opposition in 1993, allowed Boris Eltsin to run the country until 1999. It is paradoxical that the West now speaks of a despotic presidency about Putin when all he did is inherit a western-designed political system. The problem for Putin today is that it makes no sense to replace some of the worst people in power as long as the system remains unchanged. But the main obstacle to a reform of the political system is the resistance of the pro-Western 5th columnists in and around the Kremlin. They also the ones who are still forcing a set of “Washington consensus” kind of policies upon Russia even though it is obvious that the consequences for Russia are extremely bad, even disastrous. There is no doubt that Putin understands that, but he has been unable, at least so far, to break out of this dynamic.
So who are these 5th columnists?
I have selected nine of the names most often mentioned by Russian analysts. These are (in no particular order):
Former First Deputy Prime Minister Anatolii Chubais, First Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank Ksenia Iudaeva, Deputy Prime Minister Arkadii Dvorkovich, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Governor of the Russian Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, former Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, Minister of Economic Development, Alexei Uliukaev, Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov and Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev.

Mielenkiintoista, että Medvedjev, joka enimmäkseen on näyttänyt käsinukelta, jonka merkittävin ansio on olla vielä Putiniakin vertikaalirajoitteisempi, on nyt korotettu pääkonnaksi.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Köln vielä kerran, eli miten räikeästi Venäjän propaganda pelaa kaksilla korteilla

Turvikset, naisten ahdistelu jne. eivät kuulu tämän blogin reviiriin.  Venäjä sen sijaan kuuluu, ja saimme jälleen hyvän esimerkin siitä kuinka Venäjä yrittää yhtä aikaa vedota sekä äärivasemmistoon että äärioikeistoon.


Maahanmuuttajat hyökkäsivät naisten kimppuun Kölnissä

Kölnin poliisi kertoi saaneensa noin 90 ilmoitusta naisilta, jotka ovat joutuneet sukupuolihäirinnän kohteeksi Uudenvuoden yönä. Tekijöiksi ilmoitetaan "afrikkalaisilta ja arabeilta näyttävät miehet".

Spiegel kertoi poliisipäällikkö Wolfgang Albersiin viitaten, että noin tuhat 15-35 —vuotiasta miestä kerääntyi Uudenvuoden aattona kaupungin keskustaan. Silminnäkijöiden mukaan humalassa olleet miehet hyökkäsivät naisten kimppuun, ryöstivät heiltä lompakoita ja kännyköitä. Niitä, jotka yrittivät puuttua tilanteeseen, uhattiin fyysisellä väkivallalla.

Global Research:

Using the pretext of alleged incidents of sexual harassment in Köln (Cologne), the German media has launched a hysterical, racist campaign against millions of immigrants and Muslims.
On New Year’s Eve, thousands of people gathered in Köln and in other major cities throughout Germany to celebrate the holiday. The next day, police issued a press release stating that there was a “festive mood” at the celebrations and that the atmosphere that evening was “overall peaceful.”